User Reports

User Reports provide insight into a clinic's patient population based on demographic and clinical criteria.

Appointment Reminder Lists Report: displays a list of patients with an upcoming appointment

Assessments Reports

Assessment Report: displays a list of patients with a diagnosis during a specific date range

Current Assessments Report: displays a list of patients with a selected diagnosis

Current Medications Report: displays a list of patients taking a selected medication

Demographics Report: displays a list of patients within a specific age range

Health Maintenance Disease Management Reminder List Report: displays a list of patients that have not satisfied a specific Health Guideline

Immunizations Reports

Immunizations Administered Report: displays a list of patients who received a specific immunization

Immunizations Due Report: displays a list of patients age 0-18 due for a specific immunization

OB Reports

EDD Report: displays a list of patients with an estimated date of delivery during a selected time frame

Overdue Postpartum Visits Report: displays a list of patients overdue for a postpartum visit

Rh Negative Report: displays a list of pregnant Rh Negative patients and whether they have been given an anti-D immune globulin injection

Orders Reports

Orders Report: displays a list of patients with orders created during a specific date range

Outstanding Orders Report: displays a list of patients with pending orders

Patient List Detailed Report: displays a list of patients based on demographic and clinical data criteria

Patient List Report: displays a list of patients based on age range and assessment and medication criteria

Potentially Undiagnosed HTN Report: displays a list of potentially undiagnosed hypertension patients

Referral Report: displays a list of patients with a documented referral

Vital Signs Report: displays a list of patients with or without a documented vital sign