Clinic Settings: Alerts/Reminders/CDS

Tools > Preferences > CLINIC > Clinic Settings > Alerts/Reminders/CDS

Alerts/Reminders/CDS settings provide options for chart and encounter alerts and specifying website links for resources accessible within an encounter.

Enable Vitals Alerts...Closedcreates an encounter alert when a patient's vital signs are outside of the clinic-defined normal parameters

Enable Health Guidelines/Disease Management Alerts...Closedcreates an encounter alert when a patient requires an intervention for Health Guidelines

Orders Reminders Default Timespan (days)...Closedcreates a default setting for order reminder messages. The option to receive a reminder message is selected when adding an order in the Orders/Referrals tab

Anticipatory Guidance web link...Closedwhen populated with a website URL, this creates a custom resource link for the View Anticipatory Guidance link in the Pediatric tab

Patient Education web link...Closedwhen populated with a website URL, this creates a custom resource link for the Pt Ed Resources button in the Plan tab and for the Patient Education Resources link in the main Tools menu


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