Administrator Roles
Clinic Administrator
The Clinic Administrator is responsible for managing the clinic setup in Sevocity and maintaining the integrity of patient records. A user can be given Clinic Administrator privileges by selecting the Clinic checkbox in the user profile.
Clinic Administrators have access to:
CLINIC Preferences: Tools > Preferences > CLINIC
Security Administrator
The Security Administrator is responsible for creating Sevocity user accounts, setting the security standards for user access to Sevocity, and managing user access to PHI Protected Health Information, any individually indentifiable health information within Sevocity. A user can be given Security Administrator privileges by selecting the Security checkbox in the user profile.
Security Administrators have access to:
Security Administrator Reports
Task Administrator
The Task Administrator is responsible for monitoring and managing assigned tasks for all users in the clinic. A user can be given Task Administrator privileges by selecting the Tasks checkbox in the user profile.
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