Clinical Data Registry Reporting

Measure: The MIPS ECClosed Eligible Clinician: a Medicare provider who qualifies for MIPS participation is in active engagement to submit data to a clinical data registry.
Reporting To meet this measure, the MIPS eligible clinician must attest YES to being in active engagement to submit data to a clinical data registry. For multiple registry engagement, report as YES If there is active engagement with more than one clinical data registry.

Any MIPS eligible clinician meeting one or more of the following criteria may be excluded from the Clinical Data Registry Reporting measure if the MIPS eligible clinician:

  1. Does not diagnose or directly treat any disease or condition associated with a clinical data registry in their jurisdiction during the performance period.
  2. Operates in a jurisdiction for which no clinical data registry is capable of accepting electronic registry transactions in the specific standards required to meet the CEHRTClosed Certified EHR Technology, an EHR that conforms to the ONC's Health IT Certification Program criteria and standards definition at the start of the performance period.
  3. Operates in a jurisdiction where no clinical data registry for which the MIPS eligible clinician is eligible has declared readiness to receive electronic registry transactions as of 6 months prior to the start of the performance period.

ECs interested in exchanging data with a clinical data registry should contact Sevocity Support to begin the process of a new interface setup. Interface setup requirements and fees vary per request.

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